(30) Tickmill Copytrader: 5 Tips to Achieve Success - Choose with Knowledge | LinkedIn

(30) Tickmill Copytrader: 5 Tips to Achieve Success - Choose with Knowledge | LinkedIn

Meet FortunaMax TCM, with an impressive return of 60.63% over the last year.

When embarking on the copytrading journey at Tickmill, it is critical to have a clear guide to choosing the best traders to replicate. With a number of options available, these five essential tips can be crucial to your success.

  1. Consistent History: The most important feature you should look for is a consistent track record. Checking the trader's past trajectory allows you to understand their ability to reliably generate results over time.
  2. Evaluate Monthly and Annual Profits: Check the average monthly and annual profit of the trader. This analysis will give you a clear idea of the trader's steady performance and ability to maintain positive results over the long term.
  3. FortunaMax TCM: One option that stands out is the FortunaMax TCM. In the last year, it has achieved a remarkable return of 60.63%.
  4. Jim Simons' Fund: A reference in the world of investments is Jim Simons, manager of one of the most profitable funds in the world. His fund registers a return of around 50% per year, which highlights the possibilities of remarkable results in the financial market. (Investing 100 in his hands, today you would have 2 million)



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